- I will not read your fucking script. Fair enough point I guess, but also oh to have your troubles, right?
- “ The Mongolian locals will try to rip you off in a far more slick and intelligent way than Chinese usually do, so be smart.” Ross’ continuing adventures in deep Asia.
- Beautiful photos of Hindu religious ceremonies.
- Wha, Philadelphia is shutting down its public libraries?! (via)
- The Beatles’ complete recorded output has been remastered and repackaged. Very responsible and predictable reviews at Pitchfork (including a generous helping of 10.0’s), and the expected goofiness from Klosterman (“I arbitrarily decided to give this hippie shit an informal listen. And I gotta admit—I’m impressed.”).
- Exploring the Maunsell Towers, anti-aircraft forts rising out of the ocean off the coast of England, built during WWII.
- What would happen if you put your car in reverse while driving? Probably not much, but do not try it.
- GQ tries to bury a story about Russia.
- A 10-cent increase in cost per gram of ethanol results in a 60% increase in the actual cost of drinks.
- Franklin Einspruch on reasonable Republicans’ disgust with Glenn Beck et al. (chew on this: I have been registered Libertarian for as long as I’ve been registered to vote (although over time my views have gradually leaned more and more liberal)). Also: Franklin’s most beautiful site design in years.
- Beach Boys rehersals, 1967 (only up for a few more days!).
- Ted Talk du jour: Hans Rosling on how a lot of what you know about the world is wrong (and he’s addressing the US State Department!).
Category: Uncategorized
The Men Who Stare at Goats
Kevin Spacey, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges, and George Clooney, together at last. (via)
Weekendly Clickables XV
I know it’s not the weekend. But I made this over the weekend, more or less, so here goes:
- Some of Golan Levin’s interactive sculptures are really interesting.
- Yesterday I got triple retweeted when I said “Ask Metafilter — better than Wikipedia,” and this is what I was referring to — it’s almost impossible to think of a subject and not have AMF come up with the exact bit of advice you need.
- I do believe I’ve just been challenged to a bet. (Relevant: this is how much of a pita it is to fix the cover art in your mp3s.)
- Something I didn’t know — you can use AddThis to put obnoxious social bookmarking widgets on every page of your website. (Also: How to make an iPhone version of your site.)
- Five key reasons why newspapers are failing.
- I love the beach photo that accompanies this article (about Iraquis saying “fuck the war, let’s go swimming”).
- Wow, with The Pirate Bay down and MiniNova increasingly blocking copyrighted content, Torrentz is the current How We Do It.
- 50-minute Bruce Sterling talk. I haven’t watched it yet, but should be good.
- Speaking of how we’ll be listening to music in 10 years, here’s how I’m listening to music today: my own personal cloud.
- Dave Ramsey explains how to get out of the car payment trap. (Car? Oh yeah, that’d be a good thing to have.)
- I’m still trying to figure out the best place to make a one-off photo book. Maybe this?
- “Put your tongue behind your teeth and smile, which will relax your face.” Huh?.
- Now go look at some music videos.
Rickshaw race across India
Our wildman R, of en vivo y en directo fame, is undertaking a rickshaw race across India(!), and is in need of your support.
Weekendly clickables XIV
- Vintage Stand-Up Comedy. Let’s be clear on what this is: a catalog of over 200 full albums of spoken-word performances by the likes of Rodney Dangerfield, Richard Pryor, Steve Martin, and Woody Allen, with links to downloadable audio. (BTW, how do you open a rar file? Easy, 7-Zip.)
- WTF Taxidermy. (via)
- “A few reviews of Antichrist, Lars Von Trier’s new movie starring starring Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg, which has people up in arms.
- Wallets with a baby picture are 90% likely to be returned if lost (vs. 30% for no picture).
- Persnickety photographing article of the week: Shot discipline.
- Happy 40th. Did you know that the geniuses at NASA accidentally recorded over the high-resolution video tapes of the first ever moon walk? The best we can do is take the downsampled broadcast TV footage and restore it. You can watch it here.
- First there was a building, then there was no building, then there was.
- So, right, James Wolcott is bugged about the Kindle because people on the subway can’t see the cool book he’s reading. And no, he isn’t the only impoverished soul with these types of concerns. (Although not everyone agrees.) Well, fear no more James Wolcott, because digital signaling is here.
- Supplies of Knob Creek whiskey are running low for this year. Try being in a business where you have to estimate demand a decade in advance!
Protests in Iran continue!
Weekendly clickables XII
- My Photoblog. Click it, bookmark it, set is as your homepage, add it to your RSS reader, link to it from your blog, tweet about it, tell your friends about it, rinse, and repeat. Updated daily. (Not related: also a tumblr where I post videos that are currently striking my fancy.)
- ABC News’ Alzheimer’s simulator.
- For a mere $2000, you can get a life-sized resin replica of your head made. (Plus other gifts!) To say that this is creepy would be like saying that Michael Jackson was pop singer. (Once again via Cakehead loves evil.)
- Roger Ebert: Raising free-range kids. I haven’t even read this yet and I already couldn’t agree more.
- The There I Fixed It blog is already running out of steam after a pretty brief run, but it’s got a few gems worth scrolling for.
- Miami news now: (1) For all those bemoaning that there is nobody in Miami developing 4×6 slide film, why not develop your own (thanks, Alex)? (2) I’m over the ‘best pizza’ thing, but just to FYI, Danny Brody says Laurenzo’s.
- Turn an old laptop into the ultimate digital picture frame. I might do this.
- How to create HDR images. Personally I think HDR is for nerds, but be my guest.
- Jacob Holdt’s American Pictures. There’s a little bit of information here. (“I was playing pool with Butch. While it was my turn, he stepped outside for a moment and killed this guy. I never saw Butch again.”)
- The 78 rules for correct photography.
- Attention all you people who’s e-mail still ends in @aol.com — you could be getting a call from a collection agency sometime soon.
- Alice and Kev, the story of being homeless in The Sims 3.
Eight fallacies about contemporary art
Eight fallacies about contemporary art, of which the two that I run into most often from non-art people are:
Value is completely subjective.
No it’s not. There are methods of evaluating art, and just because viewers respond differently doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Unresolved aesthetic choices and lazy conceptual practice won’t receive a pass from me.Anyone could do that.
A sentiment typically refuted with the argument, “But you didn’t.” A more common version of the myth circulating art circles, “It’s too easy” completes itself with “to take a compelling photograph,” or “to make a good collage.” In each case, the viewer’s actually complaining that it’s too hard to separate the good from the bad. There’s no easy answer to this dilemma, except to look at enough art to develop a mature eye.
Weekendly clickables X
- Trailer for Whatever Works, the new Woody Allen movie starring Larry David(!). (Note: the post says the movie is better than the trailer makes it look.) (via)
- Did you know?: You can use plain yogurt instead of mayonnaise to make tuna salad. But!— it’s better if you let it sit in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
- A survey of the architecture of Ohio, which turns out to be very impressive. (via)
- Here is something that truly bugs me: Last.fm keeps track of my listening habits but it doesn’t play with Pandora. Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.
- “The total job loss in this recession has been larger than any in decades, which has left job market is in its worst condition since the early 1980s, and it will still be getting worse for months to come. It’s just not getting worse at an accelerating rate anymore, and that’s often a sign of better days ahead.”
- Omnivoracious, Amazon’s blog about books. Among much else, they summarize and link book reviews from the major newspapers every Monday.
- Insane new glass balconies at Skydeck Chicago. Looking at these pictures makes me slightly nauseous — can’t even imagine getting on that thing.
- yooouuutuuube
- Timothy Geithner: how we tested the big banks.
- Postcards from Yo Momma.
- Sort of ‘ugh,’ but Richard Florida’s blog.
- Have you seen Dollhouse? I’ve seen one episode and didn’t like it much, which apparently means I’m an asshole. More info here (and yes, I am just unloading my open browser tabs here).
- Reactions from folks who’d just moved to New York City. (via)
- ʇxǝʇ uʍop-ǝpısdn.
- NPR music on Bela Bartok.
- There are just no videos on the internet that show Mirah at her best, but something’s better then nothing: Mirah on the Sound of Young America.
Answering questions from Yahoo Answers
Avery Edison has some fun answering questions from Yahoo Answers.